Universal 7-8 Inch Tablet Cover

Universal protection for 7-inch & 8-inch tablets
Stok Miktarı: Stokta var
Stok: TC_78I_UN
39,00 TL

Made of durable polyurethane, our Universal Cover is slim, lightweight, and strong, with protective corners that stretch to hold most 7 and 8-inch tablets securely. This tough case helps protects your tablet from bumps, scuffs, and dings.

Ürün Etiketleri
product.installcode akb Akbank Test GARANTI İyzico POSNET
product.full.price product.single.price product.full.price product.single.price product.full.price product.single.price product.full.price product.single.price product.full.price product.single.price
2 - - 39.00000000 19.50000000 39.00000000 19.50000000 - - 39.00000000 19.50000000
3 - - 42.90000000 14.30000000 - - - - - -
4 - - 39.00000000 9.75000000 - - - - - -
39.00000000 39.00000000 39.00000000 - - - -
1 - - - - - - 39.00000000 39.00000000 - -